Adidas Trojan

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Title: Adidas Trojan
Type: Trojans

Remove Adidas Trojan. Removal instructions

Severity scale:  (60 / 100)


Aims of this trojan horse vary from causing different unexpected effects on the infected system to stealing private data. Adidas trojan also has one typical for all trojans feature – it is constantly hiding from the user in background.

Adidas Trojan properties:
• Hides from the user
• Stays resident in background

Automatic Adidas Trojan removal:

remover for Adidas Trojan

Spyware Doctor is recommended remover to uninstall Adidas Trojan.

Note: Tested and Confirmed means that we have tested spyware remover with multiple version of Adidas Trojan and
got the best results. There might be updated or modified version of particular parasite that require manual killing of parasite process or an update.
In such case try other removers in the line.

Manual assistance required mean that one or all of removers were unable to remove parasite without some manual intervention,
please read manul removal instructions below.

If you failed to remove Adidas Trojan using Spyware Doctor please report this to us.

Spyware Doctor

Malwarebytes Anti Malware


Spy Sweeper


Adidas Trojan manual removal:

Kill processes:

how to kill malicious processes

Delete files:

how to remove harmful files
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