Aid Trojan

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Remove Aid Trojan. Description and removal instructions

Title: Aid Trojan
Type: Trojans
Severity scale:  (60 / 100)

Aid Trojan, like other trojans, is a sneaky parasite that infects a system and starts working silently. Among its actions is: gathering system information and sending it to defined address, performing a set of actions (most of which can be really destructive) on the infected computer. A user can infect his or her system with this trojan by running suspicious files from various sources (such as e-mails from unknown addresses, ICQ or some internet pages).

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Aid Trojan properties:
• Hides from the user
• Stays resident in background

Automatic Aid Trojan removal:

remover for Aid Trojan

Aid Trojan manual removal:

Kill processes:

how to kill malicious processes

Delete files:

how to remove harmful files