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Remove Antivirus. Description and removal instructions

Title: Antivirus
Type: Spyware
Severity scale:  (73 / 100)

Antivirus is a misleading security application that deliberately displays fake security alerts or reviews and reports false system security threats to convince you that your computer is badly infected with malware. This may sound a bit confusing, Antivirus — that’s the name of the rogue program. It’s not the most original name for a rogue program after all. The misleading application uses Windows OS design elements you make it look more reputable and reliable. Once installed, Antivirus will imitate system scan and reports false computer threats but won’t remove them unless you purchase the program. However, please do not purchase this program and uninstall Antivirus from your PC as soon as possible. Removal delay may only worsen the situation because this parasite is able to download additional malware onto your computer.

When running, Antivirus will impersonate Windows Security Center and state that your computer is unprotected. Please note, that the legitimate Security Center doesn’t promote any anti-virus software; however the fake one promotes Antivirus malware. What is more, you will be taken to various misleading websites full of fake reviews. The rogue program modifies Windows Hosts file to trick you that those reviews are from well know and trusted websites including and Obviously, in those reviews Antivirus rogue is described as top security program, best buy and etc. However, in reality it is just another scam design to steal money from not so experienced people. If you find that your computer is infected with this virus, please use the removal guide below to remove Antivirus manually for free.

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Related files: antivirus.exe, AvBho.dll, Uninstall.exe, wscsvc32.exe, Antivirus.lnk, uninstall.lnk, winupd64x.exe, fiosejgfse.dll, MSWINSCK.exe, Antivirus support.lnk, About.lnk, Activate.lnk, Buy.lnk, Scan.lnk, Settings.lnk, Update.lnk, about.ico, activate.ico, buy.ico, avt.db, avtext.dll, avthook.dll, avt.exe, help.ico, scan.ico, settings.ico, splash.mp3, update.ico, virus.mp3

Antivirus properties:
• Changes browser settings
• Shows commercial adverts
• Stays resident in background

Antivirus snapshot:

Automatic Antivirus removal:

remover for Antivirus

Antivirus manual removal:

Kill processes:
avt.exe mswinsck.exe wscsvc32.exe

how to kill malicious processes

Delete registry values:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antivirus”
HKLM\SOFTWARE\MicrosoftWindows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved “{5E2121EE-0300-11D4-8D3B-444553540000}”

how to unregister malicious DLLs

Delete files:
fiosejgfse.dll mswinsck.exe wscsvc32.exe Antivirus.lnk Antivirus support.lnk Antivirus.lnk about.lnk activate.lnk buy.lnk scan.lnk settings.lnk update.lnk about.ico activate.ico buy.ico avt.db avtext.dll avthook.dll avt.exe help.ico scan.ico settings.ico splash.mp3 uninstall.exe update.ico virus.mp3

how to remove harmful files

Delete directories:
C:\Program Files\AnVi\
