Antivirus Protection 2012

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Title: Antivirus Protection 2012

Remove Antivirus Protection 2012. Removal instructions

Also known as: Antivirus Protection
Severity scale:Antivirus Protection 2012 severity is 76  (76 / 100)


Antivirus Protection 2012 is a typical cyber threat that pretends to be legitimate. Trying to do that, this scamware displays trustworthy-looking but completely fake alerts and scanners that all report the same useless information about numerous viruses detected. Please, never fall for Antivirus Protection 2012 because it’s useless and has no capability to detect or remove malware. That’s because it has an empty virus database and ‘finds’ the same viruses on every computer that it manages to infect. If you find this malware on your PC, remove Antivirus Protection malware without any delay.

In most of the cases, this sneaky application spreads via Trojans that help for it to get inside the system without any victim’s permission asked. In addition, Antivirus Protection 2012 is set to start once the PC is rebooted and display all those annoying alerts that report harmless files but not dangerous viruses. When installed and active, Antivirus Protection 2012 typically displays fake system scanners that should convince people that they really have viruses on their computers. However, it must be ignored and eliminated ASAP. If you leave it, you will receive numerous alerts saying something like this:

Antivirus Protection 2012 Firewall Alert
Your computer is being attacked from a remote machine!
Block Internet access to your computer to prevent system infection.
Attacker IP: [ip address]
Attack type: RCPT exploit

Antivirus Protection 2012 Firewall Alert
Suspicious activity in your registry system space was detected. Rogue malware detected in your system. Data leaks and system damage are possible. Please use a deep scan option.

Antivirus Protection 2012
Spyware.IEMonster process is found. The virus is going to send your passwords from Internet browser (Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Outlook & others) to the third-parties. Click here for further protection of your data with Antivirus Protection 2012.

Antivirus Protection 2012
Your computer is being used as spamming machine. You can get sued for spam. Your computer WIL BE DISCONNECTED FORM INTERNET BECAUSE SPAMMING OTHER PCs.

In additon, if ignored it starts displaying such alerts:

Security Center Alert
To help protect your computer, Security Center has blocked some features of this program.
Do you want to block this suspicious software?
Name: Sft.Dez.Wien
Risk: High

Security Center
Unauthorized remote connection!
Your system is making an unauthorized personal data transfer to a remote computer!
Warning! Unauthorized personal data transfer is detected! It may be your personal credit card details, logins and passwords, browsing habits or information about files you have downloaded.
To protect your private data, please click “Prevent Connection” button below.

You have been infected by a proxy-relay trojan server with new and danger “SpamBots”.
You have a computer with a virus that sends spam.
This is a mass-mailing worm with backdoor thus allowing un-authorized access to the infected system.
It spreads by mass-mailing itself to e-mail addresses harvested from the local computer or by querying on-line search engines such as
The IP address that YOU are getting from Internet Service Provider (ISP) for YOU personal computer is on some major blacklist.
Your computer has been used to send a huge amount of junk e-mail messages during the last days.
You IP will be marked in the Police log file as mass-mailing spam assist.
Upgrading to the full version Antivirus Protection 2012 it will eliminate the majority of Spam attempts.

As you can see, Antivirus Protection 2012 employs misleading tactics to promote its licensed version. Generating bogus alerts and fake system scanners, reporting numerous security risks and disabling victim from using his PC properly – these are the main signs that you have a deal with malware. If you notice Antivirus Protection 2012 on your PC, please don’t wait for long because you may end up with damaged PC. Please, use a reputable anti-spyware and remove Antivirus Protection 2012. We highly recommend you using Spyware Doctor or SpyHunter anti-spywares. If you are disabled from launching these or other anti-spyware programs, go “START” -> “RUN” and insert there taskkill /f /im rundll32.exe (keep all the gaps and slashes).

Antivirus Protection 2012 snapshot:

Antivirus Protection 2012 removal

Automatic Antivirus Protection 2012 removal:

remover for Antivirus Protection 2012

SpyHunter is recommended remover to uninstall Antivirus Protection 2012.
You should confirm using free trial that it detects current version of parasite.

Manual assistance required means that one or all of removers were unable to remove parasite without some manual intervention,
please read manul removal instructions below.

If you failed to remove Antivirus Protection 2012 using SpyHunter please report this to us.

We might be affiliated with any product we recommend on the site. Full disclosure in our Agreement of Use.


We are testing STOPzilla’s efficiency at removing Antivirus Protection 2012
(2012-02-20 06:02:31)

Malwarebytes Anti Malware

We are testing Malwarebytes Anti Malware’s efficiency at removing Antivirus Protection 2012
(2012-02-20 06:02:31)

Spyware Doctor

We are testing Spyware Doctor’s efficiency at removing Antivirus Protection 2012
(2012-02-20 06:02:31)

XoftSpySE Anti Spyware

Antivirus Protection 2012 manual removal:

Kill processes:
AntivirusProtection2012.exe rundll32.exe [random].exe, 2010yo.exe 472a10e2ebxd9.exe 56493.exe cosock.exe cowceb.exe d20mes.exe dc_3.exe ddoll3342.exe destroyer.exe exppdf_w.exe hhbboll_2.exe jofcdks.exe lols.exe puzpup.exe sycre.exe winifi.exe wwwsssgen.exe securityhelper.exe securitymanager.exe

how to kill malicious processes

Delete registry values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random]”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random]”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Antivirus Protection
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antivirus Protection”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antivirus Protection 2012 SM”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antivirus Protection

how to remove registry entries

Delete files:
%AppData%\Antivirus Protection\ %AppData%\Antivirus Protection\AntivirusProtection2012.exe %AppData%\Antivirus Protection\IcoActivate.ico %AppData%\Antivirus Protection\IcoHelp.ico %AppData%\Antivirus Protection\IcoUninstall.ico %AppData%\Antivirus Protection\securityhelper.exe %AppData%\Antivirus Protection\securitymanager.exe %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Antivirus Protection.lnk %StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection.lnk %StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection\ %StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection\Activate Antivirus Protection.lnk %StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection\Antivirus Protection.lnk %StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection\Help Antivirus Protection.lnk %StartMenu%\Programs\Antivirus Protection\How to Activate Antivirus Protection.lnk %Temp%\2010yo.exe %Temp%\472a10e2ebxd9.exe %Temp%\56493.exe %Temp%\cosock.exe %Temp%\cowceb.exe %Temp%\d20mes.exe %Temp%\dc_3.exe %Temp%\ddoll3342.exe %Temp%\destroyer.exe %Temp%\exppdf_w.exe %Temp%\hhbboll_2.exe %Temp%\jofcdks.exe %Temp%\lols.exe %Temp%\puzpup.exe %Temp%\sycre.exe %Temp%\winifi.exe %Temp%\wwwsssgen.exe

how to remove harmful files

Information added: 2012-02-20 06:02:31
Information updated: 2012-03-07 02:29:51