ExeBug Trojan

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Remove ExeBug Trojan. Description and removal instructions

Title: ExeBug Trojan
Type: Trojans
Severity scale:  (68 / 100)

This dangerous trojan usually deals with EXE-files by changing their headers and contents. These actions may lead to improper working of many applications and the system instability in whole. ExeBug Trojan usually sneaks into the system from various Internet resources (such as suspicious web pages or peer-to-peer networks), that’s why it’s strongly recommended to keep your antiviral databases updated.

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ExeBug Trojan properties:
• Hides from the user

Automatic ExeBug Trojan removal:

remover for ExeBug Trojan

ExeBug Trojan manual removal:

Delete files:
08867e.vom, 0886bb.vom

how to remove harmful files
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